Maintained / preferred python library

Hi there,

I have been using this python library up to now → GitHub - brianhealey/pyamplipi: Python API for interacting with the AmpliPi Multizone Audio Controller

Nicely done and works good.
However it has not been updated since end May, and has outstanding pull requests since end August – All while amplipi itself has been releasing several upgrades including API updates that are thus not reflected in this library.

I see @linknum23 (Lincoln) has made a fork too, but would it not be more appropriate to all collaborate via pull requests on a fork up at MicroNova · GitHub + have a more group-owned maintenance of the pypi registry to go along with that?

Anyway. I am open to any suggestions and welcoming a constructive discussion on this? The current situation feels like I might be investing in a dead end?

I also see the maintainer @bhealey (Brian) is on this platform as well, but has only been active for one day in May - same day of the lib release. I hope the direct mention pulls him in to share his own views on the matter.

To be clear - I also am irregular in the time I can allocate to fiddling some further with my own amplipi projects - so this is not to point fingers, but just about finding a solution where we can nicely progress in a collaborative way without being held back by individual passing attention to keep up?

Anyone with any thoughts on this?

Lets start by merging in your PRs. I was hoping Brian would review them, but admittedly I forgot about them. I have maintainer access as well, so I can test and merge those.

If needed we can figure out how to migrate stewardship of the pypi releases.

One of the main issues here if that CI has not been setup on this repo. I added that as an issue, hopefully we can make this process easier in the future…

I am working with @linknum23 to make sure that Micronova has control of the CI pipeline and pypi repo. I apologize for any inconvenience. :frowning:

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On PyPi pyamplipi is now owned by us so we should be able to easily keep it updated with every new release.

Thanks guys!


No apologies needed - highly appreciate you kicking this off as you did.
And thx for the swift resolution too.