New Blog Post: Quickstart guide for HomeAssistant Integration

We just published a quickstart guide to integrating AmpliPi & our commercial offering AmpliPro with a HomeAssistant instance; check it out and let us know if you have any feedback!

In the office, we’re particularly fond of our “You’ve Got Mail” automation. Rest in peace, Elwood Edwards.

Does anyone on the team or using the platform understand well enough what the switches that get shared to HomeKit for iOS do exactly? I’ve asked a handful of times and never really gotten a response.

By default you get like 3 switches and I can’t really pinpoint exactly how it works or not. It would be wonderful to be able to change the volume, add zones or groups to sources, etc all in HomeKit.

Sadly, we don’t have any Homekit users at Micronova so we don’t have an easy way to investigate this. Given the lack of responses to your posts I don’t think there are other AmpliPi users using it either. It is something we can look into in the future, especially if there is more interest.

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I see a handful of people interacting on here and on GitHub talking about their Homekit instance so I assume there are at least a few doing it, but for sure I bet there must not be many. I think the problem is just that it’s exposing certain switches by default, and it would be great to know what those default things actually do. Cuz they work oddly right now when you play with them. What gets exposed by default is both Source and Groups with get 3 different switches all named the same thing, and it’s a weird combo of on/off that makes it kind of work and I’m not quite sure you can make a group or a speaker go to a specific Source. And every zone has an on/off switch as well.

I imagine this is fairly similar default behavior in Google Home or even with exposing it to Alexa as this is coming straight from HA. Using HA alone, you can make things happen with ease, it’s just trying to use other voice assistants that would be nice to have some documentation on what’s happening there. Or how to make the manual selections in HA a bit more voice activated if that makes sense?

It looks like on the Input switches, the first one mutes the audio, the second one does nothing maybe?, and the third one sends a “pause” to the audio.

It looks like for Groups: 1st mutes, 2nd pauses, 3rd nothing?

Does that make sense, or am I off?

It looks like it may be an issue with what is allowed to be exposed to HomeKit or what is possible with customizing a zone/group/source as a receiver instead of just a speaker?