Echo when chaging radio stations

helo after been using the amplipi for some time i discovered that changing internet radio stations results in echo in sound and reseting the configuration restores the sound back to normal. Has anyone expirenced this already ?

This is a bug that we are aware of.

We’ve seen this as a issue on a couple of odd radio stations that fail to shutdown properly and end up spawning a second instance of the radio station (making an echo since they are slightly out of sync). I tried to find the failing radio station we had tested with, but I was unable to find it. Is there a specific radio station you are having trouble with? We can make an issue for this on GitHub and hopefully get it resolved quickly.

Added an issue for this, while we await more details: Echo when switching to some internet radio stations · Issue #400 · micro-nova/AmpliPi · GitHub

yes this one i noticed

but could it also be from the announcements ? i use openhab to do some notifications from time to time and i noticed that after the announcements it happens

Howdy @stamate ~

Pardon to bump an extremely old thread, but I believe we’ve fixed this bug in our latest 0.3.4 release :confetti_ball: thanks for the report!