Next release date

Looking at your GitHub commit insight (Commit Activity · micro-nova/AmpliPi · GitHub), it seems there has been no new commits since the first week of January. Can I assume you are developing on a private repository and will be pushing the release to the public one? Do you have a time-frame/roadmap for dates & feature?

Happy with my AmpliPi, but have not integrated it yet as I’m still waiting for specific features.

Edit from the community manager (12/22/23): We have recently deleted the develop branch linked in this message, anyone reading this in the future will have to follow the link to our project github instead

We have not made a new release in awhile, sorry about that. Our main branch only gets updated on a release, you may want to check out the development branch: As for project planning check this out: AmpliPi · GitHub. It is not a complete roadmap but shows what we are working on and what the priority is.

As a small company are still adapting to the challenges of releasing a product like AmpliPi and figuring out how to handle the support load, manufacture units, and keep making good progress on the software.

Just curious what features are you waiting for? I see you have mentioned adding streaming controls to the AmpliPi Airplay and Internet Radio integrations. I’m guessing you are also looking forward to a fully featured Home Assistant integration.

I don’t know if you have already, but one way that you can help influence what gets worked on is by reacting or commenting on the GithHub issues that you would like to see us implement. You can also create new issues or suggest them here or in the GitHub discussions.

I hope this helps!


I see you are pretty active on our GitHub as well. Thanks and keep it up :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your quick response. I can only imagine the learning curve you are facing – please count my “impatience” only as excitement for what will be (and almost is) and amazing product!

To be selfish, my 3-item wish list would be:

  1. Fully featured Home Assistant integration
  2. Playback controls for both streaming and Airplay
  3. Web UI configuration for SPDIF input
  4. (to be greedy) Airplay 2 support (I saw the item listed)

I will continue to submit feedback and follow progress. Good luck to you and the team!


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I spent a little time today investigating controlling Airplay with shairport-sync’s dbus interface. Check out the updates here: Feature: Airplay - Add play/pause/next/prev controls · Issue #276 · micro-nova/AmpliPi · GitHub

That looks very promising!