New AmpliPi Software Release 0.1.7

The Kickstarter “Campaign Special” AmpliPis will be shipping with our latest new software, 0.1.7


Our main focus was web app usability improvements and software and firmware updates.

We realize these aren’t sexy but are necessary for more exciting changes going forward.

See Updating from 0.1.6 below if you already have an AmplPi.


  • Audio

    • All 4 DACs connected to the Raspberry Pi now output at the same volume.
  • Web App

    • Improved mDNS/zeroconf service advertisement (The mobile apps under development will use this to find your AmpliPi).
    • Simplified initial configuration, so new users won’t have unneeded streams and groups.
    • Renamed the Shairport stream to AirPlay (Everyone knows what AirPlay is).
    • Added link to the community forums, so you can get to the Discourse forum easily from the web app.
  • Documentation:

    • Added better web app documentation and updated examples.
    • Improved high-level hardware diagrams and updated to match the shipped hardware.
    • Add new hardware schematics and change logs.
  • Updater:

    • Make the updater check that you have the latest release.
    • Update directly from releases on GitHub.
    • Programs latest firmware.
  • Hardware

    • Updated to Preamp Board firmware 1.4: improved fan control.
    • Auto-add new zones if a new Expansion Unit is detected (Some of you are starting to get expansion units, you need this!)

Updating from 0.1.6 and older

Those of you updating from 0.1.6 will need to download amplipi-update-0.1.7.tar.gz and select it from the updater.
At the end of the update you will have a shiny new updater, that makes the process easier and looks better while doing it. Please note that at the end up the updater will think it failed, see Updates and Releases for more details.


See 0.1.6…0.1.7


One user reported that they were having issues with Spotify after the update (Spotify device no longer visible after 0.1.7 upgrade - #4 by linknum23). If you are experiencing issues you may want to try updating a second time:

Updating again

  1. Go to the update site ( gear icon → Updates → Check for Updates)
  2. The site should say your software is up to date if it doesn’t, do a hard refresh ( ctrl-F5 in most browsers).
  3. Click the Older releases Tab
  4. Select 0.1.7 and click Update
  5. Stay on the page and wait for the update to finish, it will go back to the AmpliPi webapp when done

I hope this helps! 0.1.7 is a complicated update since it updates the update process. Updating a second time uses the better update process and puts the update in the standard directory instead of a special update directory.