I don’t know how but I think our support email is having some issues as I have not seen your email yet. Could you send it directly to lincoln@micro-nova.com instead?
i upgraded from a prior LMS pre-release and found in 0.2.0 that the LMS thing that is active is a “server” and I’d like to change it to “client” (to send music to it as an input stream).
Could you share any instructions? Perhaps a selection option would be helpful so users can select whether they want a server or client active.
I upgraded from a prior LMS pre-release and found in 0.2.0 that the LMS thing that is active is a “server” and I’d like to change it to “client” (to send music to it as an input stream).
If you have Logitech media server installed on your AmpliPi (from a prerelease) you will see a lms webapp at AmpliPi.local:9000.
Here’s how to disable it:
SSH into the AmpliPi:
Use an ssh client such as Putty to ssh into pi@amplipi.local
use the username: pi
use the password found on AmplipPi’s display, you will have to touch the display to show it
FYI: Whether or nor the LMS server is running, AmpliPi 0.2.0 supports LMS clients. An LMS client will be available when a LMS stream is connected to a source.