New AmpliPi Software Release 0.2.0

Please checkout our latest AmpliPi software release 0.2.0 !


  • 90% improved volume/scroll rejection, so you are less likely to blow out your eardrums
  • 50% more advanced iOS streaming with new Airplay2 support (only single stream for now)
  • 100% more LMS integration, with a simple Logitech Media server client


  • Web App
    • Reject scroll events to volume sliders
    • Improve version display
  • Streams
    • Add single Airplay2 (in addition to multiple existing Airplay 1)
    • Switch to Spotifyd Spotify client
    • Robustified song metadata interface for Airplay and Spotify
    • Add LMS Client (no metadata yet)
    • Add default icon for internet radio
  • API
    • Robustify config loading
    • Make RCA inputs look like streams
    • Make zones removable


To update your AmpliPi to the latest version:

  1. Go to the web app at amplipi.local .
  2. Click the gear icon (:gear:) in the upper right corner to go to the configuration page
  3. Click Inputs and select Updates and click the Check for Updates button
  4. Click the Update button

All of the changes/commits from 0.1.9

We put a fair amount of effort into this release. See 0.1.9…0.2.0


I just tried updating and I can’t load the web app. This is what is showed on my device screen.

Sorry abouit that! It looks like there may be an issue with your configuration. Can you send us the logs from: http://amplipi.local:19531/entries?

I would suggest sending it to

1 Like

Email sent, thank you.

Thank you for the Airplay2 support!!!

I don’t know how but I think our support email is having some issues as I have not seen your email yet. Could you send it directly to instead?

Let us know how it works!

Thanks for the work team!

i upgraded from a prior LMS pre-release and found in 0.2.0 that the LMS thing that is active is a “server” and I’d like to change it to “client” (to send music to it as an input stream).

Could you share any instructions? Perhaps a selection option would be helpful so users can select whether they want a server or client active.


I upgraded from a prior LMS pre-release and found in 0.2.0 that the LMS thing that is active is a “server” and I’d like to change it to “client” (to send music to it as an input stream).

If you have Logitech media server installed on your AmpliPi (from a prerelease) you will see a lms webapp at AmpliPi.local:9000.

Here’s how to disable it:

  1. SSH into the AmpliPi:

    • Use an ssh client such as Putty to ssh into pi@amplipi.local
    • use the username: pi
    • use the password found on AmplipPi’s display, you will have to touch the display to show it
  2. Run the following commands:

    sudo systemctl stop logitechmediaserver.service
    sudo systemctl disable logitechmediaserver.service

FYI: Whether or nor the LMS server is running, AmpliPi 0.2.0 supports LMS clients. An LMS client will be available when a LMS stream is connected to a source.

I was able to successfully run the commands but now no client is observed by the LMS server on my network.

  • i ran the commands
  • rebooted the amplipi
  • created an LMS stream
  • set Output 2 to the LMS stream
  • nothing observed on the LMS server on my network, even after restarting the server. other LMS clients running on separate Pi’s show immediately.


Hmm that is odd. I would like to investigate a little further. Would you mind sending me your config file to