Local Audio with DLNA or Plexamp?

I have a lot of music stored on a fileserver, and I’ve been using Jellyfin to stream audio via DLNA to my Amplipi for awhile. I’m seeking alternatives as the family (and myself) are fed up with its issues.

  1. Is Plexamp working yet? I saw it was reported broken late last year. since I can’t test it without paying for it, I thought I’d ask here.
  2. Any suggestions for better software to use for DLNA? Something that runs on Linux is preferred.

Sorry about your struggle using locally hosted files, this is something AmpliPi needs to do well. Admittedly we have not focused a lot of effort on it yet.

  1. A headless plexamp (needed for the pi) has not been released yet. We are actively watching the releases Plexamp Release Notes - #37 by elan - Plex Labs - Plex Forum since it appears to be coming soon. When it worked Plexamp was a great solution for locally hosted audio.

  2. How are you currently using DLNA? We tested it using an android DLNA app. Its been awhile since we used it but we can research some better DLNA workflows.

I run various k8s containers at home. One of the applications I have locally hosted is something called Jellyfin, which is a Pkex-like application to consume media. It works fine as a video player, but the audio side of things is always wonky.

I also installed Plex locally as well (so the lack of headless Plexamp might not be a block for me if I understand the limitation correctly) in hopes of finding something better. Mostly because I saw it was one of the sources in amplipi. but I’ve not tested it due to reasons stated in my original post.

All that said, I’m not exactly excited to move to Plex. I know it’s a well-liked piece of software, but I would rather go open source if possible. That’s why I was also asking about other DLNA servers.

Agreed about the need to do locally owned files better. The type of people most interested in your device

so the lack of headless Plexamp might not be a block for me if I understand the limitation correctly

The headless version of plexamp is needed to run on AmpliPi, plexamp still requires a separate Plex server running somewhere else.

All that said, I’m not exactly excited to move to Plex. I know it’s a well-liked piece of software, but I would rather go open source if possible. That’s why I was also asking about other DLNA servers.

We are still looking into different solutions for this. Another very popular open source music server type appears to be Navidrome but we don’t know how to integrate with it yet to provide Music ServerRemote ControlAmpliPi capabilities.

The headless version of plexamp is needed to run on AmpliPi, plexamp still requires a separate Plex server running somewhere else.

Ah. Well, so much for that idea!

Navidrome looks pretty slick. I installed it on a server and it’s as slick as it looks, but… has no DLNA functionality so it would need to be installed locally on the amplipi. There’s a github issue on it but no movement on it as the maintainer doesn’t see a need for it. I’ll keep snooping around.