Integrating with an existing BreatheAudio setup in the walls?

Hi folks – trying to figure out if I can integrate to the the legacy “Breathe Audio” system that’s in my walls (and was when we bought the house!) by replacing the main controller while still leaving the panels in the walls.

I suspect it will be impossible, but nothing is a “yes” without asking…

I’m unfamiliar with that system, is the controller you’re replacing the BA-6640? If so it looks like they use standard speakers but aggregate the connections in an “Allport”. You should be able to remove the wall plate and access the direct speaker connections behind it.
Allport Wallplate

Thanks for this! No, it’s the BA-2430S that it appears we’re replacing. But…that’s encouraging; maybe I’ll rip the plate down and see what’s behind it.

Ok, looking up the specs for that system, I see it can output 15W @ 1% THD with 8 Ohm speakers. I don’t know what speakers are in your walls/ceiling but I’ll assume they are 8-Ohm and can handle 15W. AmpliPi can do 34W for that same setup. So worst-case is you have to limit the power output a bit to not blow up your speakers! You can limit the max volume setting on a per-zone basis in the AmpliPi settings. 15W per channel is already pretty loud for a normal room though, I don’t think we’ve ever used more than that in our offices at MicroNova.

Your google skills far outpace mine! I’m gonna try to find time to take the wall plate down inside the stereo closet and have a look.