Api stuck and webinterface not reachable

Does anyone knows about what this error mean?

Jan 22 15:01:45 amplipi authbind[850]:     fd, addr = self._accept()
Jan 22 15:01:45 amplipi authbind[850]: OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files
Jan 22 15:01:45 amplipi authbind[850]: ERROR:asyncio:socket.accept() out of system resource
Jan 22 15:01:45 amplipi authbind[850]: socket: <socket.socket fd=9, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=6, laddr=('', 80)>
Jan 22 15:01:45 amplipi authbind[850]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Jan 22 15:01:45 amplipi authbind[850]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/selector_events.py", line 156, in _accept_connection
Jan 22 15:01:45 amplipi authbind[850]:     conn, addr = sock.accept()
Jan 22 15:01:45 amplipi authbind[850]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.7/socket.py", line 212, in accept
Jan 22 15:01:45 amplipi authbind[850]:     fd, addr = self._accept()

Hey Stamate!

I’m not able to read too much into that issue, but my first suggestion would be following this guide to see if you can reach the updater and ensure you’re on the most up to date version of AmpliPi.

If that doesn’t solve your troubles, I’d ask if you’d be willing to send us more complete logs at support@micro-nova.com so we can better assist you.

ok as a workaround i made a cron to restart the amplifier every day during the night wich make it more stable during the day. Also i noticed alot of entrys of announcement wich keeps pilling up in the presets and sources and i cannot delete them in the interface … those are all created by openhab binding

Could this be the issue i am having that that makes the amplipi run out of resources i did not have this problem in 0.2.1 firmware but i do have now with latest version