Announces makes a new DLNA render every time

I noticed this recently and just getting around to posting about it. I have DLNA as my 4th source. When a person is detected outside of my house, Home Assistant calls the announce endpoint to play a sound. The amplipi takes over the 4th source to play the announcement, then flips back to DLNA on the 4th source. When this happens, my JRiver instance sees this as a new DLNA renderer. So after a few days, I get this (showing in JRiver):


I imagine I can “fix” this by not putting DLNA on 4, but instead swapping it with what I have on 3, but it would be nice if announce didn’t actually take over 4 and re-create a DLNA renderer every time. I have UPnP on a rasperry pi, which gets power cycled each day, and it never shows up more than once, so I don’t think this is a JRiver display problem. I think it has to do with what is occuring on the amplipi when the source is re-created.

Sorry about that, the issue is the renderer is being restarted after the announcement. We have a fix in the works for this for all of the different streams types, it will let streams work in the background without being restarted.

This specific issue is caused by the DLNA renderer being restarted with a different UUID, in the future we should attempt to make that UUID change only when the name of the DLNA renderer is changed… I’ll add this as a bug/feature.

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