What Home Automation integrations would you like?

Let us know if you are interested in any home automation system or voice assistant integrations so we know where to focus our effort. The ones that have been requested and/or exist already are in this poll. If you would like to request a new integration add a post!

  • OpenHAB
  • Home Assistant (in-progress, GitHub issue)
  • Google Assistant
  • Amazon Alexa
  • Other (post suggestion)

0 voters

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I use IP-Symcon as my home automation software so this is I would like see!



A few months back I dabbled a bit with OpenHAB.
Now I ordered a RevPi for Home automatisation (Yay! Overpowered and overpriced for HA, but I like it!) which uses NodeRed on board, but anything goes because there’s a RasPi CM on board and it can be programmed individually.
Currently I use some Google speakers mostly for the task AmpliPi ought to do in future. :wink:

In short, if AmpliPi could listen to and send MQTT messages, I think that would be quite nice. This way a lot of HA assistants (at least OpenHAB and NodeRed I know of) could talk to AmpliPi easily and versatile.

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Link to RevPi (not affiliated) Revolution Pi - THE ONLY REAL industrial Raspberry Pi

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Just seeing the API gives json replies. This should be easily get integrated into NodeRed, which uses json as config files itself. Might try it in a few days.

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I don’t know if this poll makes it clear but there is an initial OpenHAB integration with AmpliPi created by one of the maintainers of OpenHAB! Check it out here: AmpliPi - Bindings | openHAB

I think an all generally purpose approach like MQTT (as suggested by rbauerf above) should be the next home automation integration that should be added after Home Assistant is done.

Lohrer, any chans you could add MQTT to the voting list so that we could see if there is any interest in it?


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Looks like we can’t edit the poll. I suggest ‘hearting’ his post instead.