Spotify channels unreachable since 0.3.4

Hi, upgraded to 0.3.4 some time ago, and have failed to connect spotify to the amplipi-streams ever since.

I had experienced the same after upgrade to 0.3.3 but the trick of just redefining the streams (see Spotify Sources need redefining after 0.3.3 upgrade) That worked back then, but is not working out now.

The behaviour form a user perspective is this:

  • in the amplipi ui add a spotify-stream connected to some zone
  • in the spotify UI select the devices to connect
    – it shows the amplipi-stream alright
    – after selecting that, the spotify UI keeps trying to connect to it, but never succeeds
    – trying to reconnect, the amplipi stream is no longer in the list

To troubleshoot this I performed these actions:

  • another upgrade, now to 0.3.5 of amplipi
  • a drop and re-create of my spotify-streams on the amplipi
  • replay of the scenario while having a ssh open to the amplipi listing the output of journalctl -f

that last action gives me these outputs:

1| at the time of opening the stream I named “K79E”:

May 04 03:53:35 amplipi authbind[835]: Starting process monitor for process: ['alsaloop', '-C', 'lb1p', '-P', 'ch0', '-t', '100000']
May 04 03:53:35 amplipi authbind[835]: Forwarding signal 15 to subprocess.
May 04 03:53:35 amplipi authbind[835]: Loading config from "./config.toml"
May 04 03:53:35 amplipi authbind[835]: No username specified. Checking username_cmd
May 04 03:53:35 amplipi authbind[835]: No username_cmd specified
May 04 03:53:35 amplipi authbind[835]: No password specified. Checking password_cmd
May 04 03:53:35 amplipi authbind[835]: No password_cmd specified
May 04 03:53:35 amplipi authbind[835]: No proxy specified
May 04 03:53:35 amplipi authbind[835]: Using software volume controller.
May 04 03:53:35 amplipi authbind[835]: no usable credentials found, enabling discovery
May 04 03:53:35 amplipi authbind[835]: Activating K79E (persistant)
May 04 03:53:35 amplipi authbind[835]:   starting connection via: /home/pi/amplipi-dev/venv/bin/python /home/pi/amplipi-dev/streams/ alsaloop -C lb2p -P ch0 -t 100000

2| at the time of connecting to that in the spotify UI:

May 04 03:53:49 amplipi authbind[835]: Connecting to AP ""
May 04 03:53:49 amplipi authbind[835]: Authenticated as "cvm55e8y1wmyc6jos5k1t9eq1" !
May 04 03:53:49 amplipi authbind[835]: Country: "BE"
May 04 03:53:49 amplipi authbind[835]: Using Alsa sink with format: S16
May 04 03:53:49 amplipi authbind[835]: error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?client_id=2c1ea588dfbc4a989e2426f8385297c3&scope=user-read-playback-state,user-modify-playback-state,user-read-currently-playing
May 04 03:53:49 amplipi authbind[835]: failed to request a token for the web API

I will do some google searching on that failure, but already welcome any advice / tips you might have.

I’m not sure if this always happens or it is an intermittent issue.

For the ladder case I would suggest trying to reset the Spotify stream after this happens. I added some instructions for resetting the LMS stream here: LMS client not appearing on LMS server - #3 by linknum23 , Spotify will work the same way.

Either way we’ll try to investigate this and see if we can reproduce it.

it keeps on happening for some weeks now, so ‘intermittent’ starts feeling as the kind of hope we should abandon?

also trying your suggested curl commands yields a “method not allowed” both at client and server (ssh log)


$ curl -X POST --url "http://amplipi.marcels.lan/streams/1010/deactivate"
{"detail":"Method Not Allowed"}

$ curl -X POST --url "http://amplipi.marcels.lan/streams/1010/activate"
{"detail":"Method Not Allowed"}

serverside: (ssh with running journatctl -f)

May 05 14:26:17 amplipi authbind[835]: INFO: - "POST /streams/1010/deactivate HTTP/1.1" 405 Method Not Allowed
May 05 14:29:45 amplipi authbind[835]: INFO: - "POST /streams/1010/activate HTTP/1.1" 405 Method Not Allowed

possibly unrelated I am also seeing these messages fly by in the server side logging:

May 05 14:26:40 amplipi authbind[835]: Dbus error getting MPRIS metadata: The name org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotifyd.instance1592 was not provided by any .service files

not on a fixed interval but roughly every 5 to 30 seconds
and always in bursts of four

which made me think that it might not be a coincidence that I have 4 spotify streams defined…

so I ended up throwing away my spotify streams once more: and those MPRIS metadata logs are no longer appearing

will now restart the amplipi and ad them again…

no avail – after (1) reboot (2) added new spotify stream (3) using it in a zone (4) trying to connect with the clientonly to (5) get the 403 error message in the logs:

May 05 14:47:14 amplipi authbind[830]: Connecting to AP ""
May 05 14:47:14 amplipi authbind[830]: Authenticated as "cvm55e8y1wmyc6jos5k1t9eq1" !
May 05 14:47:14 amplipi authbind[830]: Country: "BE"
May 05 14:47:14 amplipi authbind[830]: Using Alsa sink with format: S16
May 05 14:47:14 amplipi authbind[830]: error 403 for uri hm://keymaster/token/authenticated?client_id=2c1ea588dfbc4a989e2426f8385297c3&scope=user-read-playback-state,user-modify-playback-state,user-read-currently-playing

as well as the bursts of 4 MPRIS metadata messages

funny that now I only have one spotify stream defined, those messages still come in bursts of 4, so that might have been a coincidence there…

have to say I am at loss here, happy to be executing more testing commands…

I think you missed the api/ in the URL:

curl -X POST --url "http://amplipi.marcels.lan/api/streams/1010/deactivate"

curl -X POST --url "http://amplipi.marcels.lan/api/streams/1010/activate"

Sorry for your struggles with this. We will start looking into it.

I talked to Jason this morning and he is having similar issues at his house as well.
We just compiled the latest version of spotifyd and are testing it out at the office.

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Finally got around testing this

Of course you were right – no more errors about unsupported POST method when I slide in the /api/ part

However this “re-activate trick” only helps to re-show the stream in the list of available options in the sportify client after the failure to connect. So it avoids me the trouble of dropping and recreating the stream. But the actual reconnect still fails.

Looks like your work on the spotifyd is the currently remaining road to a solution. Any news on that?

I had a similar issue with 0.1.9:

Now I still have the issue sporadically when I try to connect to the Spotify source from my PC, no errors when doing it from my phone.

Deleting and recreating the stream works for me, but it’s very painful to do in the new UI…

Hopefully a new version will fix this for good!

I started playing with the latest unreleased version of spotifyd. Initial results were promising. It connected reliably to Spotify and appeared to integrate some new features. However it was notably a little unstable, after 4 hours it stopped and threw an error.

In its current state I’m worried we’d replace the current issues with something similar but potentially worse. I made an issue for this here: Spotify Connection Issues · Issue #721 · micro-nova/AmpliPi · GitHub

That said we are going to try to get this working well soon.

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thx for the update, let me know if my setup over here can help out as an additional testbed (will need instructions though)

any news or prognosis?

No real progress yet, We’ve been poking at this from a couple of fronts though:

  1. Figuring out how to get a new build of spotifyd that doesn’t break after 4 hours of inactivity
  2. Looking at other options for Spotify clients including using an official one from Spotify

We are still loosely tracking it in issue #721.

Internally we are running a new version of Spotifyd (combined with a fair amount of AmpliPi updates) that appears to fix all of the stability problems we were seeing. Stay tuned, we’re hoping it makes it into the next release.

If you could give our 0.4.0 prerelease a test, that would be excellent! We rolled in our fixes for #721 and believe it will resolve your problems.

Just made the install - spotify channel indeed working again - will play around with other features in the upcoming days.

Thx for the fix!