Error updating to 0.2.1

Tried updating, got the below error. Rebooted the pi, tried again. Same error:

16:54:05: installation failed, error extracting release: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
16:54:05: Extracting software to temp directory /tmp/tmp105ow4iq
16:54:05: starting installation
16:54:05: dowloaded "0.2.1" release
16:54:05: updates typically take 10-15 minutes, please be patient

I ssh’d in but couldn’t find any logs while snooping around. But I’m more than willing to lend a hand to diagnose this and hopefully find and fix the root cause.

I’ve not done too much customizing on my pi. I added my own user, and added a systemd NFS mount for my music. I did use the LMS beta versions, but I successfully updated to 0.2.0 awhile ago so I’m not sure that’s a factor here. That’s it as far as I can remember.

Thanks, and let me know next steps if you’re interested in digging into this with me.

Normally @linknum23 would look into this but he’s out for a few weeks so bear with me as I check what could be going wrong here. I doubt the NFS mount has any effect, but it seems likely that the added user could be messing things up. Is AmpliPi still running as the ‘pi’ user or your new user?

If you SSH in as the pi user you can check systemctl status --user amplipi which should indicate that the service is enabled and a .service file locaiton of /home/pi/.config/systemd/user/amplipi.service. You should also see all the spawned processes with paths prefixed by /home/pi/amplipi-dev.

I don’t know if it will be a huge help in this case, but the logs for a running session are available by clicking the “Logs” link at the bottom of the AmpliPi webpage. Assuming the hostname is still amplipi that link is this: http://amplipi.local:19531/entries. If you could zip and send them we can take a look for anything unusual. I believe those logs are filtered for AmpliPi logs but might contain logs from the additional changes you’ve made. If you are worried about posting anything here you can email instead.

Also, if you are on version 0.2.0 I believe the only change for 0.2.1 was a minor fix to correct some python dependency errors people were getting when updating from 0.1.9. So if you have things working at 0.2.0 you’re at least not running with anything outdated.

Yup, running as pi. I only added the new user to make it easier for me to log in with my normal user I admin everything else with.

I tried running the command you gave, but had no luck.

pi@amplipi:~ $ systemctl status --user amplipi
Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory
pi@amplipi:~ $ sudo systemctl status --user amplipi
Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory

The service file does exist though. Also, everything seems to be working (other than the upgrade) so if that amplipi service is what does stuff, it must be running somewhere.

Thanks for the info on how to get the logs easily. Sadly, as you guessed, there was nothing too interesting in it. Probably because I had restarted after the last failed attempt. So I tried upgrading again while watching the logs… and it worked.


No idea why. I didn’t change anything other than it being the third time. Either way, thanks for your reply and for trying to help!

Well I’m glad it worked this time! That Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory error is something I’ve never seen before but sounds like systemd was having some issues. I guess a restart fixed it, but if you have any more issues definitely let us know!