Zone Specific Announce Misbehaving

I’d like to try to reproduce this. So there is an internetradio stream playing on source 3, but all of the zones connected to source 3 are muted before the doorbell announcement is triggered?

Yes, I was able to make it stop by killing the radio stream and then doing the rca 4 trick you suggested and then rebooting. But my assumption is if I had all 4 sources back it would do the same thing.

I am not able to reproduce this, are you sure you aren’t running into this bug Bug: Stopped internet radio station, starts playing after announcement · Issue #683 · micro-nova/AmpliPi · GitHub?

Yes and no, I feel like it’s a mixture of a couple different bugs. Here’s what I had:

Source 1: Spotify
Source 2: Spotify
Source 3: Radio
Source 4: Airplay

When I triggered the automation by doorbell ringing, even though nothing was playing and sources were muted before, it would behave:

Unmute specific zones at new volume, change to Source 3, play the radio, play the announcement audio over the radio, play radio a bit longer than the audio, mute everything again.

I’m still having trouble reproducing this.

I think we can investigate this issue 2 ways:

  1. Send your unit’s configuration from Settings → Config → Download Config and a relevant portion of the logs from http://amplipi.local:19531/entries.
  2. Open a support tunnel and email us the details of the tunnel and the logs at This will allow us to poke at the current state of your unit.
    You can open a support tunnel by going to Settings → Updater → Support Tunnel → Request Tunnel → copy+paste the security details and send them to

I did your advice of adding all the sources to an rca source and then took them all out. If it happens again, I will for sure send the information along! At the moment I’m not playing a ton of different sources in all of our zones so I’m limiting the amount of live sources.